西班牙之旅 世界圖片集



古典優雅的Plaza Mayor 







The beauty of Salamanca

Salamanca, a city for the young






我的朋友斬釘截鐵地說她來自緬甸﹐但不是緬甸人﹐而是Karen人。 緬甸國內住著多個族裔的人﹐佔大多數 (近七成) ﹑勢力最強的是緬甸人﹐Karen是國內第三大族裔(佔人口7%)﹐據估有一千四百萬Karen人住在泰緬地區﹐但大部份仍居住在緬甸境內。1948年緬甸脫離英國統治獨立之後﹐由軍政府掌權﹐不僅壓迫本族(即緬甸族的反對派,其領袖以昂山素姬為代表)﹐其他族裔一樣受到鎮壓。

據估﹐1996年至今﹐至少有一百萬住在和泰國接壤的邊境地區的緬甸少數族裔人流離失所。這些人在國際社會被稱為國內流離人士 (Internally Displaced Persons)。他們只有兩個選擇﹐一是在緬甸政府設置的安置區住﹐要不就是逃到深山郊野去生活﹐幾乎一半人選擇逃去深山生活﹐因為在政府安置區生活﹐逃不了被軍隊士兵虐待﹐強迫做苦力勞動﹐如果是女的﹐則有被強姦的危險。


在深山郊野逃亡的Karen人﹐生活如何艱苦困頓可想而知。他們沒有醫療照 顧﹐沒有生計可謀﹐兒童沒有讀書機會﹐Karen政府嘗試以有限的資源資助老師去山區教導這些兒童讀書識字。





學西班牙文 西班牙之旅

The beauty of Salamanca

Since I prefer to keep my blog in Chinese, and I can´t write in Chinese at the moment, this will be my last post about Salamanca in English. I will be back to Hong Kong on 8 October and will post in Chinese stories about the city and studying spanish. I have also made a few tours to the neighbouring cities and will write about them too. 

salamanca, spain   salamanca, spain

I must say, the city Salamanca itself is really beautiful. It has one of the oldest universities in Europe and the univesisty area has an ambience evocative of Oxford Univesity. The city also boasts many beautiful cathedrals and churches. At dusk, when the architectures of the city are lit by the soft light of sunset, it is magnificient. The city is also at its most beautiful when the many churches and cathedrals are lit by artificial lights at night.

And Salamanca has one of the best preserved and most beautiful plazas (squares) in Europe – its ¨Plaza Mayor¨. I recall that I had the most expensive cafe in my life when I ordered a cup of coffee in Plaza de San Marcos in Venice, Italy, costing me 10 euro (100 hk dollar). In plaza mayor, Salamanca, I paid only 2 euros for a cup of coffee, and you could enjoy nice atmosphere besides nice coffee, seeing the flow of people and life of the city.

It is said that Salamanca ranks second in the world in terms of the number of bars and restaruants in a city. There are many nice bars, cafes and restaurants here. It is a cultural city too. So you can find many arts exhibitions going on. Salamanca seems to have all for a traveller.

However, if you want to study spanish here, there are things you may need to consider. As mentioned in the last post, the people who come here to study spanish are very young. In the past week, a group of secondary students from England arrived in my school (Isla). They are only 16 or 17 years old.

Well, In Isla, there are students not that young (late 20s or above 30), but they are among the minority. Those who are in their 20s are mostly university students. So basically, most of the students in Isla are students themselves.

I will write more about the school (Isla) later, in Chinese, and compare it with the school I attended in Granada (Castila). I hope my observation and some thoughts of mine would be helpful for those considering to study Spanish in Spain.

學西班牙文 西班牙之旅

Salamanca, a city for the young

Since I am now in Spain and the computer I use has no Chinese input system, I have to write in English.

Well, I´ve spent three days in Salamanca and two days in a language school (Isla) so far. My feeling is, the city and the school are not too bad, but trust me, Granada and the school I attended there (Castila) are still the best.

First of all, Salamanca is full of very young people, many of whom are secondary and university students from Europe and US who come to the city in groups just to study Spanish. The school I attended is a reflection of the city, with the majority of its students, at the moment, being secondary and university students coming from United States, Germany and Norway. The school atmosphere is very much dominated by these student groups who speak in their native languages after class most of the time.

I will write more later about the teaching of the school, and the city itself. But for the moment, a piece of advice for you: if you are not too young, i.e. like me (well, up to you to imagine what is ¨not too young¨), better not come to Salamanca to study Spanish. You will feel that you do not belong here. But if you think you are young (at least at heart), here is the city for you!

學西班牙文 西班牙之旅

Travel and Study in Spain

Am now in Salamanca, Spain. Will update my blog and write more about my travel and study in coming days.Hasta luego.