

因為受過暗瘡皮膚問題困擾,對於如何護理皮膚有點心得,亦一直在找尋最適合自己的方法。 且讓我和大家分享一下我最近愛上的方法。

我的皮膚護理方法只涉潔膚和潤膚。 原則是不用含化學品的產品,盡量天然和有機,而且要程序簡單, 價錢不能貴。

我曾經介紹過aubrey organics這隻牌子,至今仍然是我的至愛,由洗髮露,洗臉液至天然染髮劑和dedorant, 都用它的產品。aubrey organics的所有產品都採用天然成分,不含化學品,而且產品質素高,價錢合理。

洗臉我用的是aubrey organics的every day basics cleansing gel,分油性和乾性皮膚用兩種。

洗完臉,我什麼都不塗,只用摩洛哥堅果油(又稱阿甘油,英文是argan oil) 潤膚,一小滴,就可以夠用一次。不油不膩,而且很滋潤,我現在早晚潤膚都靠阿甘油。photo (20)我是油性皮膚,卻可以用阿甘油潤膚,可知為什麼阿甘油被稱為dry oil了。

阿甘油 有多好?大家上網查查就知。我只可以說,阿甘油真是超棒,很慶幸今年年頭在偶然機會下發掘到它。以前我試過用精華油洗臉,總覺得程序有點麻煩,不適合我這個懶人,而且我油性皮膚, 把握不好,很易起暗瘡。 如今,我不用油洗臉,但用油潤膚,覺得更加適合。


質素好的阿甘油,賣得很貴。我介紹過iherb, 是它的粉絲,今回我也是透過iherb (買到Acure Morocan Argan Oil,有機產品,一小瓶(30ml)90港元,不算貴。我已經用了兩個月,覺得很好用。 值得推薦。而且雖然是一小瓶,但每次只用一滴左右,一瓶可以至少用幾個月,物超所值。

這是Acure Morocan Argan Oil的link. 您可以用我的coupon code OFU678,第一次在iherb購物有十美金折扣。

這是aubrey organics every day basics cleansing gel的link。供大家參考。

在香港有售的化妝品品牌賣的護膚產品價錢不菲,產品還不是天然有機(雖然標榜無添加),其實大家真應該想下,是不是值得買來用。 用天然的護膚方法,而且又是可負擔的,不是更加好嗎?

還有,用toner是不是多餘呢?我覺得用toner既浪費時間,也浪費金錢,更傷害皮膚;含美白功能的產品我也不屑買。皮膚護理最緊要是,清潔和滋潤。 所以,能做到潔膚和潤膚,已然足夠。 平時有時間做下水份面膜,就更加好。越簡單越美。

4 replies on “潤膚的恩物”

thanks for your sharing. well, i didn’t put it in a clear way – i don’t really think that toner hurts the skin but i do think that toner is not necessary and usually full of chemicals. it is sth created by cosmetics companies to sell for more profits. the less the better, right. it can definitely be skipped i don’t use cleansing gel to wash face every morning. like you, i sometimes just use water. my face was so oily before after waking up. now using the right and less skin products, my face is no longer oily. my experiences echo yours. thanks for your sharing again.

Thanks for your sharing. I was at Whole Foods today and saw the Acure Argan Oil was on sale so I bought a bottle. Though I checked Amazon, there are a lot of other brands that have higher ratings than Acure.

I agree with you that, the less the better. I also only use minimum skin care products. In the morning I only use water to clean my face, at night I only use toner but no moisturizer. Why do you think toner hurt the skin?

I used to have oily skin (so I thought) , but it turned out my skin is very hydrated, so now that I’m using the correct products my skin is no longer oily.

I know Aubrey Organics, probably had tried, but didn’t find it helpful. I remember they have a weird texture or smell, or something like that. But, I feel that, any kind of beauty products must have some kind of chemicals in them. Especially shampoo and conditioner. I have been only use baking soda to wash my hair.

Anyhow, I look forward to try the argan oil. Haha.

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