





因為LingQ,我認識了幾個學習西班牙文的podcast,都是很不錯的內容和製作。每次聽,都有得益,尤其適合好像我這種程度(介乎初級和中級之間或中級程度)的學生,對於訓練聽力,最好不過。然而,LingQ只是收錄了每個podcast製作的部份內容。要看到全部的內容,就要到各自的podcast網站/youtube 上看,其中我以下會提到的learnspanish.net甚至在後來不再在LingQ出現。


  1. (女主持聲音甜美,聽得很舒服,transcription免費下載)
  2. (男主持説的西班牙文很清楚,內容有趣,部份內容可以在youtube看,開了字幕,就有transcription啦,就這樣簡單!)
  3. (男主持Oscar講得較慢,內容有用有趣,在其網站可找到podcast和transcription)






除了Euronews, 我還找到兩個網站,標榜提供配有字幕的錄像(包括新聞和各種生活情景)供人學習西班牙文,因爲要收費,我暫時還未用過。但在西班牙看電視的經驗令我明白爲什麽會有這些學習西班牙文的網站出現(其中一個還是過去一年左右才出現的),同時爲什麽他們堅稱這是學西班牙文的有效方法。正在學習西班牙文的朋友可試試看。





有位讀者最近留言,分享她在看了我的blog後去西班牙Granada讀西巴牙文的情況。我在這裡寫過我在Granada的學校Catila學習的情況,不少讀者可能因此選了Castila. 一位叫AL的讀者也選了,但遭遇不太好,她分享了她的情況和建議。我很感謝她,並用英文作了回應,我倆的對答見下。


1.我在Castila度西班牙文已是好多年的事,老師已面目全非,彼時好,不等於是此時好,所以,是不是選Castila, 大家要自行決定。


3.大家選校的時候,最緊要循一個方向,就是永遠不要在出發前報讀一間學校超過兩個星期或一個星期 (有些學校規定最少報讀兩個星期,有些則規定最少一個星期),學校好,繼續讀,如果不好,其他選擇多的是(西班牙每個稍大的城市都有很多西班牙文學校)。






  1. Hi I thank you very much for taking time to write your and your friend’s experience. It will be very helpful for those wanting to study spanish in spain. I am sorry for what happened to you and your friend. I absolutely agree that there are many schools in granada and you should choose one that suits you. That is why I always tell people not to enrol in a school before you leave your home country for more than 2 weeks. Give it a try for two weeks or even a week, and if you don’t like it,choose some other schools because there are just so many of them.

    I was in Castila quite some years ago. I know that two of the best teachers whom we all loved left the school later. Time has passed and the teachers are very different now, I believe. What was good then does not mean that it would be that way forever. Or good things cannot last?

    About putting people not in the same level, i believe it is because it is winter time. Peak time for language schools across spain is summer. Many students will come during summer and that means there is very high chance that the schools can form classes of various levels and you will be put into the right level class. I believe this happens not only in Castila,but other schools in Spain. During summer there are also more interesting things going on in the city. That is one reason I recommend that it is better to study during summer. What is more, winter in granada can be very cold just as summer very hot.

    About the coordinator going into the flat to check the gas, i think you / your friend should make a serious complaint to the management and demand apology. it is indeed outrageous. When i was in castila, the management was reasonable. I don’t know who is the management now. But no matter what, you/ your friend should complain.

    about accommodation, i agree that your observation is right. but renting an apartment works only if you stay in a city long. If you stay just for a short period of time, you don’t want the trouble of renting a place yourself. also, the fun of living under one roof with other classmates will be lost. i had a great time living in the school accommodation then, and it was summer time. i could go to other school accommodation for swimming, and we cooked together, had pool party, etc.

    Thanks again for your helpful comment and reminder. I feel sorry that after reading my blog you and your friend went to castila and had some bad experience. Things are in flux. Nothing stays the same…

  2. Dear Anna,

    After reading your blogs, I went to Granada and Castila for quite a few weeks. It is so true that Granada is in fact a beautiful, beautiful city. Everyone I met there falls in love with it.

    Yet, I do want to share my experience in Castila with all the readers who want to study Spanish (if you don’t mind). Castila isn’t necessarily the right school for you to learn Spanish. It largely depends on what you look for during your stay in Granada.

    If your purpose of going to Granada is just to have a relaxing holiday, and meeting people, it is absolutely a great place for you since they have a nice garden.

    However, if you go there hoping to learn Spanish seriously, go somewhere else and look for other schools. There are plenty in Granada you can choose from. As far as I have observed and most of the comments I heard from my classmates about the school are not positive. At the end of your stay, you are asked to fill in the form stating whether you will recommend it to your friends. And many of my classmates answered a “No”, which are due to a few reasons.

    In the first place, the school isn’t organized and so as the curriculum. One of the advantages of language school is flexibility (because there aren’t many students and the classes are unstructured). Unfortunately also due to the “flexibility”, you will be moved from one class to another. Sometimes you are assigned with the students at your level, other times with the people at a lower or higher level than yours. It could happen that you learn the same things for three weeks because there are always new students coming in and their Spanish level is below yours. Or when there aren’t many students, you will be in a class of mixture, ranging from A1 to C1 (the very beginners level to the advanced level).
    Talking about unstructured class, I also mean that the teachers (not all the time, but quite some times) come to the class WITHOUT preparation! If an unprepared lesson is what you are paying for, go for it! But I tell you the truth, you can actually do it with language exchange. There are a lot out there for FREE!

    In the second place, the housing conditions are unpleasant. If you ask for the accommodation from the school, you pay up to 300-400 euros a month. However, no internet is included. The internet provided is borrowed from your neighborhood and so, the connection could be quite poor as reception is diminished every wall the signal passes. In fact, Granada is really a beautiful, but cheap city to stay/ live. For 200 euros, you can rent a place with everything (smooth wifi, hot shower, PRIVACY and heater) included for a month. For 400-500 euros, you can even rent an apartment your own without sharing with others and again, with everything (smooth wifi, hot shower, PRIVACY and heater) included.

    In the third place, the heater at your place doesn’t function very well. It could be disastrous if you go there in winter. There are two types of heater provided in the accomodation. One is the portable one, which obviously isn’t warm enough. Another one is operated by gas. However, my friend had a very unpleasant experience about staying in a flat with the gas-operated heater. Although it is written on the web that everything is included, it is not true as described. It is because when my friends went to the classes at school, the coordinator of the school went to their place and check if they turned off the heater and made sure it was only at 20 degree celcius!!! That is absolutely outrageous. By what principle that he is allowed to enter the apartment without any permission when my friends already paid for the few months they stayed in the flat?! I have never heard of the owners can come in freely and go out of the apartment that is already rented and even CRITICIZE the way you live!!!

    Anna, I’m sorry for writing so long here. I love Granada too, but I also hope that the people who genuinely want to learn Spanish can go to the right school which worth the money.




1. 厄瓜多爾是南美學西班牙文的聖地﹐便宜之外﹐當地人講的西語很清楚和標準﹐而且有不少學校供選擇。住在當地人家中﹐包早午晚餐﹐每日也不過十多美金。

2. 厄瓜多爾之外﹐可選秘魯和玻利維亞﹐兩個地方都有不少語言學校﹐其中數秘魯的學校較多和較有規模。

3. 阿根廷是一個多姿多彩的國家,在當地學西班牙文可以享受當地的文化和生活﹐但存有一個問題﹐就是阿根廷人的西班牙文發音非常「阿根廷化」﹐例如ll兩個字母在一起﹐他們會發類似國語「者」的音 ﹐其他講西語的地方卻是國語「熱」的音﹔文法上亦自成一格﹐例如「你」的變格是Vos﹐而不是西語世界流行的Vous﹐這用法除了阿根廷﹐就只有其鄰國巴拉圭使用。而且阿根廷的本土用語特別多﹐你在阿根廷學回來的西班牙文﹐可能不是很多人會明白。

4. 不要盡信學校的網站﹐最好親自到學校視察才決定報讀。語言學校報名很富彈性和方便,可以即時報名,即日或第二日就可以上堂,課程通常在每個星期的星期一開始。切忌在出發前報讀長課程和交付所有學費,到了學校發覺不喜歡,就壞事了。

5. 如果你決定在出發前選定學校,最緊要看學校的課程安排和課外活動。好的學校都會安排豐富的課外活動給學生,學生從中學到的可能比上堂還多。另外,最好向學校要舊生的聯絡方法,聯絡他們,看他們對學校的評價。學校一般都會徵詢了一些舊生的同意,可以傳遞他們的聯絡方法給你。或者在網上查看有關學校的評價。



我去過西班牙三次,每次都去語言學校讀西班牙文,到訪過的城市分別有Jarez, Granada 和Salamanca。




