Hong Kong As It Is

Ocean Park censorship

If you are a visitor to Hong Kong, you may have heard of the city’s homegrown amusement park and major attraction Ocean Park. It was recently embroiled in a controversy.

In its electronic message board for people who have donated to its conservation fund and can leave messages, certain words were banned, such as Vindicate June 4 (平反六四), 89 pro-democracy movement(八九民運), Down with Communist Party (共產黨下台). Only after it was revealed by the media did the Park abandon the censorship. But it refused to apologize, saying that it was act of the lower ranking staff without knowledge of the senior management or interference from the Government.

When all the blame is heaped on the lower ranking staff, you know there is something wrong.

And, when even an amusement park run by a finically independent not-for-profit organization practices self censorship to court the good will of Beijing, what can you say about this city’s future?

By Anna

With a wanderlust and lusts of other sorts, I look to sth new, sth different, sth fulfilling, and find myself on a journey...

One reply on “Ocean Park censorship”

I would consider bringing a pistol with a silencer and help the world population retiring any mainlander I see in HK. :)

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