

我有一段日子沒有買書了,看的書都是從圖書館借的。 但今次例外,我買了。一來因爲這本書很搶手,很多人預訂,我沒法在指定的借書時間看完就要歸還;二來,這本書太好了,想留為己用,也可以借給朋友看。200px-Thinking,_Fast_and_Slow (1)

書名: Thinking Fast and Slow (快思慢想)

作者: Daniel Kahneman

看這書的時候,我是連連讚好,因爲所講的人作決定時的謬誤,和我們腦袋受到的影響和作用, 全都可以引用到自己身上。這是我這麽久以來得益最多的書之一,極力推薦。這本書透過“快思”和”慢想”這兩個概念,令人對自己的思想和行爲有新的認識。作者Daniel Kahneman是2002年諾貝爾經濟學獎得主,他這本書把有史以來有關人如何作決定的研究作了總結,還加上他本人在這方面的出色研究和心得,把自己窮一生看透的智慧都總結了在這本書,實在難得。

例如這句:She was walking to the bank. 


但其實,這個句子也可理解為“她正走向岸邊”。爲什麽我們不這樣理解呢?原因是,我們的周圍環境裏面,銀行是我們常見到的,而不是河海。如果你常常看到河和海,那就不同了,你會馬上把the bank聯想為岸邊,而不是銀行。


6 replies on “快思慢想的道理”

Sunny, Appreciate it very much your recommendations. I am very interested in your podcast recommendations. will certainly check it out.

Hmmm onto your request for cantonese podcasts. I don’t want to recommend those that I have not listened to, and the only cantonese-speaking podcasts that I listen to are rthk’s ones, especially hong kong connection (鏗鏘集)。 It is a very known and long running public affairs programme that is broadcast on tv weekly – outstanding production and giving some in-depth look into local and even greater china issues.

This is its podcast website:

rthk also produces podcasts of other topics. you can check it out.

I wonder if you want to take some short courses in cantonese as well. I happen to know that Chinese University of Hong Kong is pretty good in this. You can check out here:

Hope it is of some help.

Thanks again for writing to me. Stay in touch.

All the best

Hi Anna, I’m glad you’ve decided to check it out. I’ve been reading your English blog (slowly learning to read Chinese), and know that you are a very socially conscious person. I think Why Nations Fail will confirm a lot of your anxieties about Hong Kong and China, that is, economic growth will not be sustainable without democracy. I’ve check out other books like Fergusons’ The West and the Rest” and Ian Morris’ Why the West Rules – For Now” which addresses similar topics but I think Why Nations Fail is the best and most relevant book to do so. Can’t recommend it highly enough.

As for further recommendations, Oxford university Press has this “very short introduction” series that I recently discovered myself and currently reading quite a few of right now. Although, I do think the reading is more challenging than I like for something casual.

If you want something warm and cuddly, not books, but maybe podcasts will suffice? My two favorites are Radiolab and Dan Carlin’s Hardcore History. Radiolab is the best overall podcast I know, you won’t be disappointed. Dan Carlin’s podcast gives you these epic retelling of important events, like the fall of the Roman Republic, the Mongol conquests, Hitler’s invasion of Russia, and so forth. The best thing about this podcast is that Dan is a fantastic storyteller and he makes you care and tells you why its relevant to the present.

So those are my recommendations, in return, can you give me links to some good cantonnese-speaking podcasts or radio shows. I speak Cantonnese at home but I want to improve. And since I can’t read or write Chinese, its difficult to search on my own, so thanks.

Hi Sunny, great to know your recommendation. The fact is I have not hear of it. Thanks for your recommendation. I will certainly check it out. If you have more recommendations, do let me know. Books are our shelter where we can feel warmth and comfort.

Hi Anna, I really like the books you recommend. Have you read Why Nations Fail by Daron Acemoglu and James Robinson? If not, check it out. Its another big book addressing why some places are poor while others are rich, but I think this one is the most successful and acclaimed (Famous academics like Steve Levitt, Jared Diamond, and Niall Ferguson all have praises for this book). Its also usually bundled up with Thinking: Fast and Slow in best 2012 non-fiction book lists so I suspect you know of it.

Hi Anna,

我是Stephanie,來自香港青年旅舍協會(HKYHA),這次專誠想告知你一個由國際青年旅舍聯會(Hostelling International,簡稱HI)舉辦的「The Big Blog Exchange」計畫,現正招募全球16位既熱愛旅遊又富冒險精神的博客,在2013年6月7至17日期間,互相探訪各自的所屬地和風土人情。

由即日至4月15日,有興趣的博客可到 登記參加並邀請家人朋友和網志讀者投票。聯會將於2013年4月29日進行網上即時抽籤,從100名入圍者(非洲及中東、南北美、亞太區和歐洲等4個地區票數最高的25名博客)中抽出16位得獎博客,聯會將為所有得獎博客提供交流期間的機票、住宿和津貼。

這真是一個難得而又免費的增廣見聞好機會,希望你會為香港帶來好消息吧! Good luck!

Best regards,
Stephanie Lo
Assistant Marketing & Communications Manager
Hong Kong Youth Hostels Association

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